Film Festival Reviews. Part 9.


Two parents keep their children away from society, tricking them into believing that the world outside is dangerous and that the only safe way to leave is by car. The father takes the car to work every day, and brings back food and other things they need. The disinformation they feed the children is a great source of comedy, and that’s good since the rest of the movie is pretty intense and bleak. All sides of humanity (even if repressed and disturbing) are shown in fairly graphic detail.
I found it both shocking and refreshing to see both violence and sexuality shown on screen. Usually only violence gets shown, but sexuality gets hidden and only hinted at to the level where we as an audience find even images of bare breasts to be risque.
Either this is a result of American values dominating cinema because of the success of Hollywood, or it’s simply a result of most people not being violent so it’s easier to escape into fantasies of violence that one would never act upon than to escape into sexual themes which are much truer to what one really is like.
Who knows?
Just don’t bring your mother to this movie.
The actual plot itself feels secondary. The movie tries to make a comment on something I don’t quite understand (even despite hearing the director comment on it after the movie in a face to face), and it ends up feeling a bit over the top and weird. It’s like you’re expected NOT to get the movie. (Which, btw, is why I can’t stand David Lynch) I much prefer it when there’s something to get, but it’s well hidden.

Best part: The Elder! The most interesting character in the movie. She almost feels human.
Worst part: Nothing gets explained. Is this behavior normal in the world the movie takes place in? What happens when they grow up? Why did they end up like this?
Score: 3/5

posted 15 years ago