Oh wow, logic gates!

There are a lot of crazy things happening on the official forums, like freaking logic gates made out of liquid and sand! I’m very impressed, and even more inspired.

I’ve mentioned the expansion before, and as you might remember, it will include programmable tiles. Some of these will make stuff like calculators a lot easier to develop.

As an example of what I’m thinking, here’s a “normal” dungeon puzzle, in wicked mad ascii:

Layer 1: (top-down, three tiles tall in total, not counting the ceiling)

#..O..#    # = wall
#.....#    . = floor
...O..I    O = pressure plate
#.....#    I = door

Layer 2: (top down, single tile tall, placed under the floor of layer 1)

...-!|.    -, | = wires
.....|.    ! = NOT gate
...--&-    & = AND gate

This puzzle would open the door when the lower two pressure plates are stepped on, but not the top one. Logic gate blocks would need an orientation set to decide which face is the output node. When a signal is sent down a wire, ALL connected wires gets set as true. So basically, connecting a bunch of wires is the same as a massive OR gate.
(Technically, a wire is “on” if it’s connected to any source set to “on”, and “off” otherwise)

posted 15 years ago