May 2009
81 posts

Cave Game tech demo!

Exhausted, but happy
Last night was good. I managed to speed up rendering somewhat, add tile/face picking, tile removal,

Minecraft: Order of the Stone
The awesome but insane people in #tigirc helped me come up with a title for this game, and it’s Mine

Entertaining, but..
Star Trek was an awesome movie experience. It had phasers and transporters and cores and “I’m a doct

Progress report, time for Lost
I finished a simple random level generator (it’s not very good yet), implemented support for differe

Some thoughts on game modes
Creative modeYou’ve got infinite materials and build without any delay. Can be played both as single

Early private singleplayer alpha coming very soon
We’re talking “a couple of minutes” soon.Talk to me on #tigirc or some other way if you want to help

Minecraft 0.0.11a for public consumption
It has trouble running well on intel cards (including on my Eee, unfortunately), and there’s some st

Green Meadows and more youtube
So after fixing some bugs today, I went to Green Meadows (or whatever gröna lund is in English) wi

Who doesn't love →

Oh wow, elias just patched lwjgl to support shorts in glTexCoordPointer and glVertexPointer. Combini

Ok, multiplayer was boring, but here’s water.
I SHOULD have been working on the the multiplayer code today.I got as far as handling basic client c →

Under pressure
I don’t think I’ll be adding water pressure after all. There’s so much interesting stuff you can bui

Should minecraft have blood?
To clarify, I had this silly idea of having bunnies jump around randomly in survival mode.Attacking

Urge to code.. Rising.. →

0.0.12a is up’s new?+ W

0.0.12a_02 runs smoother than ever.

Suddenly, a flurry!
.. aand I fixed the bug where some players have trouble selecting tiles. Silly bugs.In other news, a

Thanks for the feedback on the blood!
I appreciate it. Blood IS overused. But I’m still going to add raddolls. :D

Health and Food
I’ve been thinking about damage, healing and food for a while, and I just just had a really nice dis

Winter is an awesome idea. I can see snow and tile...
Also, ice on lakes. :D

You can register your accounts now ask you to log in now. Signing up i

To clarify..
You can’t save levels yet, sorry. I’m working on it, though..

My list on tile types so far
This is not final, but here’s what I’ve gotten down so far:Tile types: Snow (on top of topmost tiles

Level saving is coming tomorrow.
I just got it to work on my local machine. It’s all internet and web 2.0 and stuff, where the levels

I set up an irc channel for Minecraft
#minecrafton irc.esper.netAlso, I’ve been thinking some

Press ‘6’, plant it under water.
See that box of air around the plant? That’s because liquid is block based.That will happen to ANY o

Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!!! →

I’m growing fond of this databyte idea
Ever since I started this project, I’ve had the idea of an extra byte of data per block. It’s not a goes live, and you can save your lev...
The old alpha play site now points at you’ve registered and logged in, you can save

Moving on to multiplayer
First of all, I’m sorry for calling you a troll on IRC, Ng.I’m going to leave the game client alone

Ok, so here’s the deal on the problems with level...
* There’s a bug in LWJGL that makes connecting to the host from an applet impossible.* There’s a wor

So I didn’t do multiplayer code, but I had fun!
Today I accomplished (other than finishing up the loading/saving):Sand and GravelGold, Iron and Coal

Wedding today!
One of Elin’s friends is getting married today (yay her! (and him, of course)), which is awesome.I’m

A sweet floating castle by testvan →
Love the platform over the lava. =D

There's an official forum now →
.. but it’s kind of slow. I might need a better host soon.

Multiplayer, kd-trees and water
MultiplayerMultiplayer will be in the form of a downloadable server which will broadcast its ip to t

Had some issues with level saving/loading
During a level save, the connection to the server got lost. The file had already been opened for wri

Lava in darkness
I had a bit of trouble falling asleep last night. It struck me that if I limited the range of light

Credits due
Infinimineris the main inspirat

Many good opinions on both sides
Hi, thanks you so much for the feedback on the random offsets. =)Most seemed to think the effect is

And now I feel stupid
It was brought to my attention that if I do multiplayer the way I was planning on doing it, server a

Turning 30 is scary.
Today’s Wednesday. I start my new job on Monday. I also turn 30 on Monday.In other news, →
Sweet. :-D

0.0.14a is up at
There’s a whole bunch of new stuff in there.Clouds, better tile picking, faster water (and lava, but

You’ll be able to set the spawn point
I kinda.. uh.. “forgot” to put that in 0.0.14.

2.5d flood-filling finite water
Ok, so here’s an idea for finite water that just might work:Whenever a block of water wants to flow

Or it could work like this:
[This doesn’t make water finite, but it solves the world flooding]Water is allowed to spread on top

Some levels are broken
There was a bug with the level save/load code where a level file would get broken if someone loaded

0.0.14a_04 now lets you set the spawn point
Simply press enter to set the spawn point. This saves your current block position, and the direction

It should now be possible for new users to save th...
For some reason, new users were unable to save their levels. I restarted the httpd server, and sudde

It seems the server had a bunch of locked threads from failed level saves and/or loads. I changed th

Time goes fast when you’re making progress
Multiplayer’s starting to go good. I’ve got player connect/disconnect going, and map streaming on lo

Another new-users-can’t-save bug fixed
Naturally, I managed to add another bug where new users can’t save their levels. It’s been fixed now

C418 (The stuff you want is at the lower right) →
June 2009
61 posts

Exploding power surges, batman!
Multiplayer was a huge success. There are a few lag issues, but nowhere near as bad as I feared it m

A bit of a status update
Hi, all!I’m not able to do much work on minecraft this week, mostly because of my birthday and the n

Some multiplayer progress
I finished nicer client interpolation, client names showing up, much faster client prediction when b

Multiplayer results from last night
I haven’t checked the response from irc yet, but my impression of the test is that the server ran gr

Gone ‘til sunday
The MP server stuff is looking really good. I need to clean up some bugs, reduce bandwith use, add s

By popular demand, another MP test today
I’ll get an MP test up again today in like two-three hours. Get on irc for details, and please remem

Multiplayer: released!
It’s probably riddled with bugs still, but:http://www.

New server up
There’s a new version of the server software on the site now, honoring the private flag, and allowin

And there’s another server update
If the readme says “1.2”, you’ve got the latest version. =)

To fix out of memory errors on large servers
(Woo, 3500 registered players)Add this immediately after “java” in the start-server.bat file:-Xms512

Oops, I meant “GPU”, not “CPU”
In other news, 4200 registered users. That’s pretty wow. :-O

In the spirit of the new economy!
I’m going to start up pre-purchases of the game soon, at a discount of the full price.The full game

Client 0.0.17a, server 1.3
It’s not up yet, but it will be very soon!Changelist:x Fix spawn location to default at log inx Name

Multiplayer direct url changes
My previous release broke support for connecting directly via ip, so I’ve fixed that:1) Download the

Votekick, could it work like this?
Votekick will be an option in the server settings. Default on.If more than 50% of the people on a se

Pre-orders are open!
And seriously, Americans, I’m sorry. The conversion rate sucks. :-(

New server update, 1.4
This fixes an exploit where people could crash everyone connected to a server by sending a fake text

If you get the “clicked outside the map” error,
download the latest

Custom skins are live! →

Client 0.0.18a_02 is up
+ Fixed unstable fps problem from 0.0.18a. + Made the font differentiate I and l.+ Added the ability

There’s a minor server patch up
My bad name connection fix didn’t work in the last version. It works now. =)

I wonder why I used paypal..
Paypal.. is not.. good.My account access is limited until I submit the information I’ve already subm

Speedhacks, noclips and filler bots will soon go a...
The reason multiplayer was released several days early was that I decided to skip the most advanced

There is justice after all
Please ignore my paypal rant the other day. After under a day of me resubmitting the information, my

Muuch better forums! →

Three day weekend soon!

I ordered a new server.
Before too long, the game will magically start launching faster and everything will generally be mor

Moving to the new web server
I’m moving to the new server. The bad news is that the levels take up 1.5 GB of data, so that’s goin

New game server software
(The new webserver is up and runnning fine. DNS changes might be a bit slow for some people, and the

Client 0.0.19a is up, a server update is required
Sponge.Glass.Animated textures.Better player avatars.Start of the new ui.Limited framerate.Unfortuna

Sponges won’t vanish randomly now, and glass looks...
Unfortunately, to fully fix sponges, you need to update the server.Sponges will NOT work like this o

The saved levels are coming back tomorrow
1.5 gb of saved level data is taking ages to transfer..

Saved levels are back up.
Also, the timing bug where some players move too fast seems to be fixed.-XX+ForceTimeHighResolutionS

New server, new client version 0.0.20
There’s a protocol change, so all servers need to upgrade to the latest version!I will spend some ti

New, new client
A couple of bugs fixed:*) Clients were able to build unbreakable blocks. ;)*) The protocol was broke

Day of rest, midgame review of inFAMOUS
I went and got inFAMOUS, since it’s been getting better reviews than Prototype. I’m not sure I get i

I broke Mac support
Since the latest version or so, it’s apparently impossible to play the game on Mac. I will fix this

New client, fixes a few annoyances
* Better fps on some computers* Actually works on macbooks now* Picking (mouse-over in the game) sho

Hang bug in 0.0.21, can’t fix until tonight.
I THINK the bug is caused by aiming outside the map.I’ve rewritten the picking code to use raycastin

Is the hang bug fixed in 0.0.21a_01?

Spleef! Fun for the whole family’m not sure why I

6186 fake accounts, added a captcha and some more...
Someone set up a script to register accounts, and in total there seems to be about 6186 of them.Unfo

No More Sweden! I’m going.4.5 hours by tra

Some conversion rate math.
21371 accounts - 6186 fake accounts = 15185 real accounts.587 purchases / 15185 accounts = conversio

Ogg Vorbis is nice
Phew, just managed to get the ogg streamer code to run good enough. Ended up rewriting it twice, it

Seriously, Sun.. What the donkey?
Here’s an old bug: http://bugs.

Client update tomorrow, with the basics for sound!
When the client starts up, it starts a sound download thread. This thread connects to

Sounds is up, framerate limiter without client spe...
There are a few bugs still, it seems, like people getting choppy sounds and music (that’s annoying),
July 2009
38 posts

Three quick reviews
Movie: Drag Me to HellYou can really tell this is a Sam Raimi movie. There’s a lot of playfulness, a

Gah, I’m not well at all.
My entire body hurts, my throat is killing me, and I keep dreaming repeating fever dreams about abst

At what HZ does the eye see?
Short answer:It doesn’t, and it doesn’t matter how high fps you have, you can always do better.Long

That’s a lot of goons
Almost 4% of all traffic coming to is from a certain online forum. I’m not sure if the

Pardon the week without updates
I’ve done a lot of sleeping and a lot of resting, and I’ve watched more

What you’re allowed to do with minecraft
If you’ve bought the game, you can do pretty much anything, but there’s one major rule:Do not distri

Illness update and meeting of the minds.
I went to another doctor and got official sick leave until Monday. I’ve got all of the weekend dedic

The wiki is awesome
The officialunofficial minecraft wiki, I mean.Great

Back in the saddle, client 0.0.23a is out
+ Press tab while chatting, and you’re able to click names to add them to the chat+ New button graph

LUA or Java API?
I’m going to open up some kind of api for the server to let people write plugins easier than to fidd

Throwing in many more hours, and survival mode pla...
Starting August 1, I will shift around my working hours around some. I will work part time at my day

I curse weird..
I’m boiling spaghetti. When checking if it’s done, I burned my hand on the steam and muttered someth

Hi, Reddit Public Server RSS feed!

Changing the version system
0.0.23a_01? Really?From now on, the version is 0.23_1. When it hits beta, it’ll be 1.0. At release,

Heading out to No More Sweden in a few minutes
The train ride is 4.5 hours long. I’m going to try making a complete game during the train ride, the

The main compo is about to start! Oohh
[At No More Sweden].. or at least, so I hope. I’m hoping for either “platformer” or “haskell”.

I think I know what game I’m making
I think I’ve decided to make a platformer with water and moire effects and.. err.. stuff. =DI just s

Minecraft on →

No More Sweden: results
Jack Guzi won the “Best Moire” category and finished third in “Least Controversial”.I met a lot of i

I don’t mind the occasional boob, but this is just...
The internet connection on this train is horrible. I mean, sure, it’s internet on a train which is a

Minecraft has sold 990 copies!
(Since june 13, if my math is right)Any idea how to best celebrate when it hits 1000?

You requested more updates
And I ask for some more patience. :-)Being ill for almost two weeks meant that everything’s slipped

Great programmers make for nice lunches.
I just had lunch with an old coworker and good friend, Pontus Lundwall. We discussed our plans for t

Everything. Chapter 1 - Giants on the Shoulders of...
I’m just amazed how I have been alive during the greatest change so far in the entire history of lif

Development Process
First of all, I’m sorry about the lack of updates. I’ve gotten stuck in a loop of feeling like I’m b

Three short reviews
Nintendo DS Game: Henry HatsworthOk, wow. I haven’t beaten the game yet, but it’s awesome. It’s a co

Anthony Burch is good. →
This guy knows what he’s talking about, and we all need to listen to him. Also, he’s super intellige

Those paper dolls
They rule my brain. :DIf you clicked the link in my last post, you’d see that Zuriki designed them (

August 2009
36 posts

Announcing the first expansion pack
This is a bit early, but we were discussing it on irc, so:Announcing the Dungeons and Levers Expansi

I’ll keep posting videos.
Expect the next one later this week.I’ll be working full time on minecraft thursday+friday, then the

Ooh, I liked that idea.
Someone suggested I should add commentary to the minecraft videos. Great idea =DI’m a bit uncomforta

Infinite Mario AI Competition
A long time ago, I made a Super Maro Bros clone with random levels called Infinite Mario Bros, which

Got a new cell phone, and I’m finally on twitter
My N95was starting to break down (don’t use cellphones in

What does this mean?
“Twitter refused your username or password. Please check your Twitter details and try again.”I’ve ch

Congratulations, Kristoffer and Anna-Stina!I haven’t know you for a long time, but I love you both.T

Some cool community links
Need to know if I’m on irc? Go here: ht

Survival Mode test for paid customers coming Septe...
September 4 I leave for a three week vacation in Indonesia with Elin. We’re going to spend the entir

If you’re getting the “Fatal Error occured (5): nu...
(From irc, thanks PuyoDead and citricsquid!)If you’re getting the “Fatal Error occured (5): null” th

Considering changing the controls, need feedback.
In the first couple of version of the game, the right mouse button destroyed blocks and the left mou

Oh yeah, E to use
Thanks for pointing that out. Every single other game in the market has “E” to use, so obviously so

Phew, finally fixed the paypal verification bug
There’s been like five failed purchases in the last two weeks alone that had to manually processed,

Wahey, made the tigsource front page! →

My schedule over the next week and a half
I normally don’t like to post a detailed schedule of my work, but I’m a bit nervous about the surviv

Time for me to answer an email in public! I’ve checked with Tev (the mail-writer), and he thinks it’

Oh, and the forums and the wiki are back!
The forumsand

So what will be in the Survival Mode test?
I’m leaving for my dad’s place for the weekend now, so no more updates on tumblr. I might still twee

I think this is awesome!

Getting closer now..
Tonight is the final cramming session. I came up with a great new renderer (or, rather, a better way
September 2009
13 posts

I rewrote the tesselator!
I promised myself I wouldn’t do this until AFTER survival test release, but..I implemented two optim

Completed:There’s a new enemy.Mushrooms provide health when eaten.It’s possible to fire arrows, they

Survival Mode test released! don’t dro

Some people are getting opengl errors
I will fix this on Thursday.

Heh, there are bugs. :D
The first version of survival mode test let you get water blocks by blowing up creepers near water.T

Wahey, fixed the opengl error bug :D
NOW I will go rest. =)

Survival Mode test updated to 0.25
Mobs are more dangerous nowPigs drop mushrooms. I didn’t have time to add meat. :DArrows deal more d

I need to add smouldering to the explosions. :D →

And I’m off to indonesia!
If you need help while I’m gone, either check the f is down until saturday
While enjoying my vacation, my credit card apparently ran out of money, so my host shut down the ser

Thank you, Rolf!
Current Location: Free WIFI @ Starbucks in Malaysia. Our flight is delayed.Rolf, the guy watching th

Hi, all!Indonesia was great. Short summary:Me and Elin are now engaged! Yay!I’m now a certified Open
October 2009
41 posts

Password changing and password reset!
If you know your password, but want to change it, check in the preferences page now for a link to ch

Really cool custom level
Marach’s put together a really cool challenge level with a few neat tricks in it.

A Minecraft community by Guard →

What’s coming up?
Here are some rough plans for the future:Next week, single player survival mode updates, primarely w

Zero tolerance is, and always has been, a bad thin...
First off, I’m not an active FOSS developer, nor have I even seen a Ruby on Rails. But there’s somet

Tuesday update
I spent today poking at paypal and trying to fix the performance issue in Survival mode.The good new

Slowly coming crawling back
Hi! Sorry about not updating last week.No excuses, other than I’ll mention that Rock Band Unplugged

World of Goo "Pay What You Wish" results. →

Wow, these half-height blocks are just riddled wit...
Problems so far:* Making mobs (including the player) able to walk up stairs without jumping is not e

About the inventory screen
The actual slots in there were just copied from another game of mine that I never finished (

Tomorrow: An update
Closed survival mode alpha testing is coming to an end! Thank you very much for testing!Tomorrow, I

Performance test results
Survival mode, uncapped framerate.Main PC: 200-300 fps. Sluggishness when many chunks recompile.MacB

Survival mode updated, free testing for everyone!
Survival mode has been updated and is now out of closed alpha and is not in open alpha. That means t

The creative update is on Tuesday
Turned out I had to update the server as well, so it’s a bit more work than I thought, so the creati

Progress update on Creative Mode merge
Single player creative mode works now. If you load a level saved in survival mode, all mobs and item

The skinny on the creative mode update
The bad:Left click = remove block, right click = add block. Just like in survival mode. So no more m

Update complete!
All servers have to be updated, here’s the new server zip file:

Small client update
Turns out the client were treating network players like mobs, so they could “die”. And when they die

Review: Small Worlds
Small Worlds is a fairly short exploration game by David Shute.I found this little gem via tigsource

Some people have asked me why the survival alpha i...
And also, why they paid if I was going to make it free.First off, I apologize that I wasn’t more cle

Tigcast #1. There are a couple of mentions of Minecraft :-D →

Server and Client update tomorrow
Bug fixes will include the ability to destroy admin blocks if admin, players being rotated the right

Creative mode client update and Server update
Client fixes:Other players in multiplayer should now be facing the right wayYou can now toggle rain

Creative client 0.29_01 released
You can now build through players.Names don’t appear over players unless you mouse-over them.Names n

Ooohh, great suggestion by Ashleigh on irc
Ashleigh suggested a button to show all names on screen, regardless of if they’re hidden behind wall

The origins of Minecraft
While looking through some project folders, I found an old protype of a game that never quite became

If you’re getting the error(5): null thing. Also,...
I’m having trouble tracking it down, so I need your help. Please check your java console for any exc

Additionally, the disconnect problem
I’ve been told there’s a disconnect bug where a lot of people (but not all) will get disconnected at

Client 0.29_02 is out, fixing the disconnect bug
Ashleigh helped me test the disconnect bug after first convincing me it was real (I’m a programmer,

Skin Previewer is now up to date
Check it out:
November 2009
25 posts

What I’ve been doing for the last couple of days
GameJolt is running a minimalistic game compo, and I thought I’ve give the “minimalistic gameplay” a

Code split going good so far!
Re-structuring code is amazingly painfully boring work, but I’ve got an actually playable client goi

New game release: Left 4k Dead 2 →

Minor client updates
Both survival mode and client mode are now version 0.30, with the following changes:+ Sheep in survi

No work done today.
Hoooly moly. I got Call of Duty: World At War Modern Warefare Warfare 2 last nightat midnight. I fin

Damnit, my computer blew up.
First of all, no source code is lost. The harddrives are fine, and there are backups.I’m posting thi

Hardware status, and Movies
I spent Monday night trying different configurations of hardware, nothing worked. I finally decided

Film Festival Reviews. Part 1.
PreciousA young obese black girl has serious problems at home, but starts to learn how to read and w

Film Festival Reviews. Part 2.
MotherA South Korean drama, with suspense and murder mystery elements. Or the other way around. Poss

Should I find an artist for Minecraft?
I’m drawing all the art myself right now, and I think it works fine. But after seeing some custom te

If you want to help out with the graphics
I’m not sure if I’m going this route or not, but just in case:Send me an email at [email protected].

Film Festival Reviews. Part 3.
We’re seeing FIVE movies tomorrow and see Susan Sarandon live, followed by two more movies on sunday

Film Festival Reviews. Part 4.
HaeundaeIn this classical disaster movie, Haeundae(in

Amazing response
I got 27 replies to the artist ad thingie. Because of the Film Festival, I haven’t been able to go t

Film Festival Reviews. Part 5.
Phobia 2This is a collection of five short horror movies, each one by a different director. They col

Film Festival Reviews. Part 6.
The RevenantWe got to see a slightly damaged screener DVD version of this movie, which was a shame.

Film Festival Reviews. Part 7.
HumpdayTwo close friends meet again after several years apart. One is married and traditional, the o

Phew, all emails answered.
Almost three hours of solid work to look through everything. Now it’s time to wait for some replies,

Film Festival Reviews. Part 8.
I’m really enjoying this year’s festival! Nine more movies to go, of which six are this weekend.Fant

Film Festival Reviews. Part 9.
DogtoothTwo parents keep their children away from society, tricking them into believing that the wor

I added ads to the blog
Mostly out of curiosity, I added ads to the blog. I don’t know how this will play out, but it’ll be

Film Festival Reviews. Part 10.
TsarIvanthe Terrible, the Tsar from the titl

December 2009
37 posts

Film Festival Reviews. Part 11.
These reviews are by Ez (my fiancé):City Island

Film Festival Reviews. Part 12.
This is the last one! Finally!The CountessAfter her husband dies, Countess something-or-other falls

Minecraft Model file format: MD3
I’m adding MD3 support for Minecraft. There are a lot of advantages to this format:It’s fast! It let

Watch me coding live!
This weekend, I’ll be competing in LudumDare,

New (version 1.10)
+ Added a HUGE warning for running without verify-names turned off+ Fixed grow-trees+ Fixed a bug wh

And another fix
From now on, if detects someone trying to connect to a server from the same ip as the →

Server 1.10.1 is up
+ Fixed grow-trees againAlso, if you ran into problems with the local ip fix I blogged about before,

Whoops, gmail thinks I’m sending too much spam
Today was pretty crazy. The X-mas gifting seems quite popular indeed, I’m very happy with the respon

Ludum Dare is (almost) go!
For the next 48 hours and 15 minutes, I will be making a game. =DYou can watch me, right now, live,

Snowman Needs Your Help!
Check out this thread: http://www.mine

Dungeon Master 2 is one of the greatest games ever...
You can buy and sell equipment, there’s lots of hidden secrets, there’s a great atmosphere where thi

I’ve been feeling experimental lately, here are my...

A new german community site →

A slight server snag, has been fixed now.
Full description follows:For some reason, the server was strangling itself. I couldn’t

Customization for the new models is definitely sti...
Making sure they can be customized is a big priority. Don’t worry, we realize personal avatars is a

Oh, ok! Here, play with the latest version!
This is not official in any way, but I’ve gotten several requests that people who paid should be abl

Three quick game reviews
DJ HeroThe controller feels wonderful! I’ve never touched a real turntable mixer thingie like that e

Time to go celebrate X-mas
I will be back on irc briefly on the 25'th, then away again on the 26th.My plan is to (finally) get

Thank you everyone who bought the game!
I can’t believe I forgot to thank you guys..Thank you very much, and I hope you’re enjoying the game

Partial update on /indev/, more to come
I’ve added a first version of the inventory screen to /inde

One hour to go, not looking too good
I finally got the non-tile items working within the inventory, and you can see then in your hand. Be

I did it! Happy new year!!
The TODO list for the inventory is finished, and it’s been uploaded to /indev/.And three minutes to
January 2010
65 posts

Happy New Year!
Elin’s away at some party. I’m staying home, listening to Daft Punk and programming. There are firew

If you run a server, you might want to read this t...

Results of the X-mas offer
Raw numbers:Over the three weeks the offer ran, 1436 free copies of the game got gifted.During the s

Press e to pick up, hold e to take all
I’ve gotten several requests for a system like that. E to take an item/block, hold it down to get ev

Revised the plan about picking up items
After reading some trying the current system for a while and reading some feedback, I’ve decided to

Neat, Minecraft got a few mentions in 2009 recaps
It’s listed just above Enviro-Bear 2000 and just below Time Fcuk in Derek Yu’s

New sound engine implemented
I finished up the work on switching over to PaulLamb’s excellent

Interview with Dock at CraftHub →

Public TODO list?
I think keeping a public TODO list of planned features would be a very good way of letting people kn

Working inventory items, burning enemies, and so o...
Today’s tasks:+ Added more stats to the web site. It currently claims everyone bought the game yeste

I’m definitely using the todo list, and some clari...
Yeah, that todo list is awesome. I’m definitely going to use it. I’ll add things to it as I remember

Fullscreen mode in indev
It’s a bit buggy still, but press F11 to toggle fullscreen. The game automatically switches back to

Yeah, there are bugs with fullscreen mode. ;D
If you’re in a game menu, you can’t toggle it.There sometimes is a weird gray border.On some hardwar

My schedule for the next week or so.
I’ll be gone all day tomorrow, then I’ll do some Minecraft stuff on Wednesday evening (chests, I hop

100 000 registered users!
Last night, the game passed 100 000 registered users! :-DThat’s pretty darn good!Unfortunately, not

Ok, I’m a moron.
I never got the email with the name of the 100000'th registered player. Curious as to why, I checked

Member number 100000 was JostVice3D!
I just realized I keep track of register date and time!One quick sort and look up later, and member

No more putting it off! Finite water in /indev/!
Well, it kinda sorta works. :DWater will always drain from the highest most remote location when flo

I SHOULD be sleeping, but..
I managed to figure out the biggest reason for water being so slow. :DIt was a very silly bug, and t had some downtime again
It’s gone down three times so far. I checked the logs more carefully this time and saw that it had “

Three hour game, made at TIGJam UK2 →

Another three hour game. Sunshine Bubbles. →

One hour tigjam game: CatRace →

And an untitled 15 minute game, on the theme "horde" →

TIGJam UK 2 is over. Can’t wait until the next one...
Boy, I had a lot of fun, and made a few games. I even started work on what I personally think is a

Oh wow, logic gates!
There are a lot of crazy things happening on the officialfor

ecrider got offered a job because of his incredible Minecraft levels! :D →

As per demand, you can now gift the game
The design is a bit ugly, but you can now send gifts of the game to other players:

The level file format has been specified
I looked around for some tagged binary format that fit my needs, but everything was either waaay too

Check out #5 on this list :D →

I really enjoyed this custom level. Except for that one spider.. →

Indev’s been updated with a bunch of goodies
A bunch of new stuff in this one:* New liquid spawner in level generator. Water (and lava) can spawn

Chests, and generic tile entity support
Another indev update!+ Chest blocks+ Sounds for arrows+ Lava sets stuff on fire again+ When dropping

A really cool interactive map by Jamigrith →

Back from JFocus!
For the last two days, I’ve been attending JFocus and finishing up a 4k game (more details soon).Tom

The ads.
The flash ads caused some performance problems on some computers, so I changed to text only ads.As f


And they’re gone!
Who benefits from ads?Me as a developer? Kinda. Assuming the equation I mentioned in the last blog a

There’s a lot of work to be done for crafting!
I’m trying an item assembly based approach to crafting. You’ll have a 3x3 tile grid of item slots. P

Phew, got the inventory cleaned up
I reworked how the clicking around in the inventory works, and cleaned up the code a whole lot.There

Crafting on /indev/ now
It’s not very intuitive yet, but it kinda actually works!Here are some hints to get you started:Righ

Crafting.. Is it fun yet?
In my opinion, kind of! Some things are too tedious, others aren’t there yet. It needs more work, ob

Fragmer and Cueball are gods among men. They made an extremely nice 4+4 bit adder in minecraft! →

Phew, last indev update for today
The game now contains 59 block types, 34 item types, and 36 recipes for crafting. More’s coming!You

SPOILER ALERT! A list of some crafting recipes on the wiki. Nice. =) →

Trying out a new community?
Long story short; I don’t want to host any forums myself, I simply don’t have the time or the energy

I feel a bit like I was stepping on toes with the...
I think the forums are most excellent, and a LOT of good suggestions come out of

Wow, I got a lot of emails about forums
I usually reply to almost all emails I get, but these were just too many, haha. =DThank you for all

Sunday night update
+ Tools take damage (better tools last (way) longer)+ Title screen! No more automatic level generati
February 2010
52 posts

Minor update, must sleep.
+ You should be able to get flint and steel from mobs now. Sorry about that. :-O+ Wood mines faster

Something is causing indev to run reeeally slow af...
.. sometimes.I’ve managed to reproduce it a few times, but never when running in debug mode, which m

No functioning mobs today, unfortunately
I got bogged down with a bunch of other stuff, like the slowdown thingBut I did get some stuff in to

Pathfinding mobs for fun and profit
There’s an early version of some mob pathfinding up on indev.All mobs will home in on the player if

Indev update: Fully functioning bows and mobs
Animals only spawn in bright areas. Monsters only spawn in dark areas.This means you can make caves

Dock is no longer involved with the project
Dock is a great guy who does character design really well. I have no doubts that his talents combine

You can now change the difficulty from the options...
Under options, there now is a difficulty setting. Later on, this will be set per level instead of gl

Catalyst 10.1 does not work with indev at the mome...
So don’t update your drivers just yet..

I found a possible source of the slowdown
Sound, in software mode. Everyone who ran the game with music enabled during a couple of of updates

And software sound is now gone
Minecraft now uses OpenAL only.If it fails to start OpenAL for any reason, it’ll set the options for

Very inspiring movie!

Ok, I give. I’ll add a night/day cycle to the game...
Hiding out in your house at night might be VERY fun!Fun enough for me to solve the technical issues,

70 ms is good, but not perfect
Phew, after abusing the heck out of the lighting engine and rewriting the light propagation code to

Day/night cycle in indev! are some minor bugs wi

I need your help debugging indev
I’ve turned off all sounds in minecraft for the time being, to eliminate variables.Please close all

Thanks to some great feedback, I think I might’ve...
According to rumors, if you try to allocare more memory than the machine has available, different im

That was a lot of work, but it should behave bette...
Many hours of boring, solid work, and the lighting propagation code has been muchly improved. It’s w

An in-character blog about life in minecraft →

Visible player hand and new level themes
Now in indev:Paradise Theme:Being the polar opposite of Hell, these levels has sand everywhere, and

Must.. Go.. Sleep..
No update today, but armor is coming this week sometime! And I’m kinda slightly maybe considering st

The plan for the rest of the week
Finish armorAdd experimental third person view modeSplit out crafting into several work stationsThe

About the mysterious “no multiplayer” comment
I noticed it spawned some rumors..I _really_ want to start working on multiplayer. My fingers are it

Poll time!
Another poll!

lexil-old-bluhbluhbluhasked: If you mean the new tumblr comments just announced you need to follow u

Ok, here’s what I was thinking for the XP/Levels (...
There seems to be a sliiight weighting towards yes on the poll.Here’s what I was thinking for the XP

Lots of emotions!
I am reading all your feedback. I don’t intend to turn the game into an MMO, and I don’t intend to m

No xp, no levels!
I got convinced not to add it. The basic argument is that it adds artificial progression to the game

Armor is out, and third person view
You can craft and wear armor now. It protects against damage and slowly gets damaged when you get hu

Furnaces and Loot!
New update in indev!To smelt, you need to build a furnace. Hint: they’re made out of rock.Furnaces n

Play test Sunday! Watch it live!
In an hour (4 pm central European time), I’ll do a public playtest thing, and I’ll be broadcasting i

I have a potentially game breaking idea.. Do? Not...
This will delay the game by AT LEAST two months. It’s a major rewrite. But I can do it.Infinitely la

Limited maps in infinite
Limited sized maps is just a subset of infinite maps. They would use the same code with some extra r

Aww. I will no longer reply to every email I get.
My incoming email volume has increased steadily over the last months, and now I’m up to about 50 ema

I will add infinite maps, here’s the plan:
First up is a bug fix release. There are some annoying bugs in the game at the moment (water, mostly

I cleaned up the cookie handling on the website a...
I made the cookie handling for auto-login more secure on the web site now, and I added a “Buy now” b

Infinitely deep or not?
The engine is very dependant on knowing the highest block on each column, mostly for lighting. Tryin

Changing my development plan for the game.
The original plan was to make Minecraft a somewhat quick thing, perhaps a 6-12 months of work or so

If you’re on a mac and have trouble with indev
Try this:

Here, try some infinite maps
There’s a lot of bugs and a lot of missing features, but here, have some infinite maps:

Im way behind on my emails
I’ve got like four days of emails stacked up. I will go through them all tonight when i get home.
March 2010
38 posts

Rethinking the water strategy
Finite water will not work on infinite maps, and water has never really behaved predictable and well

So it’s not quite infinite.. Here’s the pragmatic...
Instead of keeping track of sub-block locations and so, I just moved to 64 bit floating numbers for

lexil-old-bluhbluhbluhasked: How will they make the 1:1 model if they don't have a copy of the game

Clearing up the world size math.
The world is 30 million blocks across. A block is one square meter.30,000,000 meters is 30,000 km. 3

My productivity has been assassinated by Heavy Rai...
Wow!Go buy this game now! It’s awesome!I’ll get right back to infdev once I beat this game, but righ

Heavy Review
I beat Heavy Rain at like 2 AM last night. And it was good.I really enjoyed Quantic Dream’s previous

Breaking news: Artist blames game, traffic spike ensues. →

The status on infinite
Remaining (in order I will add them):* Layered lighting engine* Entity logic* Tile entities (Chests,

Per request: This is how the new lighting will wor...
This could get a bit technical.Currently, each block has 8 bits of block type, 4 bits of aux data th

I was going to try a new payment method, but it tu...
(there was a post about me looking for volunteers to help test a new payment method, but I took it d

Games I find surprisingly good
Blue Toad Mysteries (PSN)The humor is great, and all the voice acting is done by a single very funny

New web site feature: Remote skin change
Several people have been working websites that offer collections of Minecraft skins, where the user

Interesting new IDE concept, and my initial though...
One day, while surfing the web..I found this via slashdot:

The world is bigger now.
As I was optimizing and fixing bugs today, I found a few places where I was still using 32 bit float

Ooh, Minecraft got a mention on TV!
Danish TV, even!Check it out, about 2:57 into this video:

Phew, lighting works now.
/infdev/’sbeen updated with muuuuch faster lighting sky br

Minecraft on VG Cats? Nice! :-D bel

I like Gorillaz. I like Bruce Willis. Ergo I like this.Q.E.D.

State of the Entity
I’ve got Entities mostly working, and infdev’sbeen updated

How saving and loading will work once infinite is...
This is all for single player, but it’s mean to work somewhat analogous to how multiplayer works:Tit

lexil asked: How many classes doyou have in MineCraft?Our Java lecturer is encouraging us to make a

Level size stats
In the interview I just did for FAPradio, I mentioned

Infdev update: trees and furnaces
Infdev’sbeen updated:* Working tile entities (furnaces, ch

No update today!
.. yeah.. Heh.. I have absolutely no discipline at all sometimes.But at least I’ve now beaten God of

Gamasutra interview →

Infdev has been updated
Playit here* I removed the silly ingame account check sinc

The Spider by Nazzer (based on The Raven by E.A. Poe) →
No more ore.

Lazy sunday, watching livestreams
Malikat’s got a really nice livestream channel. It’s still unverified, so there’s a 50 user cap. He’

The move is drawing closer, but I will still updat...
Hey hey, life is crazy busy at the moment. I’m just two days, I’m moving in with my GF, and I still

Infdev’s been updated, bugs have been fixed
Well, that was quick. :D

Do not buy Ubisoft games!
I bought Settlers 7. It’s a wonderful game, and Blue Byte really managed to pull it off. It’s full o
April 2010
16 posts

Announcing the next step for minecraft.
The plan was to have an elaborate post of minecraft going 4D here, but i ran out of time. So just pr

No internet until tuesday at the earliest.
The move went great, but there’s no internet. And its a bit of a long holiday.. i can connect via my

Wahey, I’m back!
Don’t ever leave me again, interwebs! It was a scary couple of days without you.We’re still getting

First full work day after easter
I didn’t end up having any time this weekend, so I went through the emails today, then fixed the err

Infdev update, time to sleep
I’ve updated infdev with the new trees, sand and gravel, plus fixing the lighting code. I have to go

Optimization update is out
Another update in infdev:

Crash bug, and workaround!
I will fix this as soon as possible (thursday?), but:If you close the browser window while playing a

The road to Beta
Here’s my schedule:Start work on multiplayer, and use the MacBook Pro I ordered last week to test ho

Checking in, not much to report yet
After a nice weekend of house warming and compo programming, I’ve been poking at multiplayer.There’s

One month until full time!
Well, one month and 445 minutes..As you might know, I’m currently only working on Minecraft 60%. The
May 2010
7 posts

Not going too well, I need a short break.
Hi! I’m getting stressed out over the multiplayer release.It’s not going as well as I’d hope, and as

Evolution of the EntityRenderDispatcher
When I split rendering from logic a while back, I ran into some design issues with having an efficie

The Break, Gaming and Flattr
I’m starting to feel relaxed! I spent several hours (ok, all day) yesterday playing Fallout 3, and I

Replying to criticism, and a short summary
The vast majority of the emails and other direct communications I’ve gotten have been very positive,

So apparently software patents are legal in German...
(Found via slashdot):

Revenge of the Titans beta, and Red Dead Redemption
I’ve been chatting with Cas from PuppyGames for quite some time now, getting sneak peeks of their ne

Back to work in a few days!
After compacting my schedule a bit and putting in a full week of work at Jalbum, I had my last day t
June 2010
36 posts

Asynchronous saving and loading, and slightly more...
I was planning on implementing doors yesterday, but I got sidetracked looking into the performance i

Lo and behold, now I need larger blocks
The good part is that I can now have renderable TileEntities, so doors can animate swinging open and

I got my Pandora yesterday
So, well, at around noon yesterday, I got a phone call from UPS, saying they had a package for me. O

C418 put together a mixtape of his new Minecraft songs →

The Pandora Review
Chapter 1. A Brief HistorySeveral years ago, I read somewhere that a group of dedicated nerds were u

Here's a better link for C418's mix of new Minecraft Songs →

Infdev update with bug fixes
+ Much smarter door rotation logic (had to remove the “closed” flag for this..)* Placing doors on gl

A gentle warning about infdev saves breaking
I hate to do this, but I will break all your infdev saves.One of the major performance issues with i

Dynamic water and Buckets
Infdev’sbeen updated.* Leaves not near a tree trunk will n

Caves, prettier water.
Another infdevupdate! I posted a high res screenshot in th

Carthograph - a fan made mapping tool →
This was started before I wrote my visualizer, and it’s looking VERY nice!I’m impressed, ZomBuster!

Seecret Friday update! OooooOOOoo!
I just uploaded another update, goplay it now!* Fixed fall

Next week: performance and stability
So there’s a bunch of new content now, most of which works surprisingly well. Unfortunately, it’s be

Your saves are safe!
I just finished up the first pass of the new file format. It saves and loads terrain data lightning

Here’s a review of something I recently bought
No, just kidding, I updated infdev.+ New save file format+

I reverted back to the old save file format
The new format was buggy (sometimes didn’t save?), and reeeeally slow on some computers. That combin

Seecret Friday update 2! OooooOOOoo!
Yep, it’s that time again! Infdev’sbeen updated with some

Sorry I broke the signs, here’s the fix
I thought I was going to be able to not work on minecraft all weekend until I saw a disturbing numbe

The web site is having some problems, and will pro...
I’ve been working on some downloaded client stuff where it auto updates and such (it’s basically jus

The server is back up!
While I was working on the offline client, I rebooted the web server, which reset the max file handl

Offline client tech test
I’ve only got an executable jar file so far.Proper installers for Windows and MacOS are coming tomor

I fixed a few bugs in /game/, and the game is now...
Bug fixes include signs working the way they used to, players below the map correctly dying, and a f

And another thing..
About Mac:Sound does not work on Mac at all. I have no idea why, and I will probably have to write m

July 2010
54 posts

Indie Game Demake Contest!? Feck yea!
GameJolt is a pretty freaking sweet place, and what’s even cooler is t

I liked this article on →

My worst code design decision
First of all, calling blocks “Tiles” in the codebase is horribly confusing. Also, TileEntities being

Seecret Friday update the third! OooooOOOoo!
Minecraft Alpha has been updated to version 1.0.1 (I just arbitrarily decided that the previous vers

400 sales in 24 hours!
Well, wow, 400 sales in 24 hours. :-DThe plan for next week is to start by setting up a very basic f

About Singularity (contains SPOILERS)

Server scripting
I’ve been a good boy, working on server framework stuff all day today, despite it being horribly bor

All the boring parts are done!
I’ve now got an UDP framework up and running that supports automatic compression, packet acking/rese

Vids on PC Gamer! →
Thanks for letting me know, Henryk!

I’m considering making the not torches less annoyi...
Right now, a button or lever attached to a block will make that block act as if it’s “powered”. A no

Minecraft Alpha version 1.0.2_01
* Red torch not gates now only signal into blocks above them, or to stuff right next to them. This m

PayPal issues. Solved now. You just need to wait.
Purchases via PayPal have been working poorly for the last day or so.The technical reason is that th

I updated the offline client(s)
I’m attempting to fix a few crash bugs some people are getting, and I fixed the bug where it didn’t

The rationale for Redstone
“But why”, some people ask, “are you making Minecraft programmable?”. The reason is, adventure mode!

Multiplayer progress update, and Minecraft Alpha 1...
Getting the levels to support more than one player turned out to be a bigger rewrite than I thought.

All credit for the awesome new sound goes to C418,...
He’s doing a really great job on the sounds. I just put them in the game. :DThanks, C418!(Also, you

No update today!
I ran out of day, and now I’m enjoying a nice dinner. I did find the bug in the mob spawn code thoug

Seecret Friday 4! OooooOOOoo!
You need to generate a new level for this one to take effect.Now I’m off to enjoy the Swedish summer

The hottest Monday like ever.
It’s very hot here. I don’t like heat.Today was pretty much one step forward and a giant leap back.

Minecraft Alpha 1.0.5
+ Added snowballs. You can throw them, but they deal no damage+ Added craftable snow blocks* Fixed b

I’m in a weird spirtual/philosophical mood today,...
I think this is going to be one of those days. I’ll go around with a serene look on my face, taking

Minecraft Alpha 1.0.5_01
* You need shovels to get snowballs now, and you can’t stack as many* Ice freezes again* Snow blocks

Seecret Friday 5! OooooOOOoo!
There’s a couple of bug fixes in this one, too, including fixing snowing through snow. Animals can n

Minecraft Alpha 1.0.6_01
* Fixed stuttering after death bug* Leaves decay again when not connected to either the ground or to

If you’ve got a save that crashes when you try to...
Please email me your level.dat file (if you know where it is) for that save.(ONLY the level.dat file

1.0.6_03, level save fix work
Your levels should load better now. Please let me know in the comments. =)

Sorting through the support chaos
As of today, I no longer offer per-case support on technical issues. I still want to get informed ab

I think I need a verkställande direktör
Are you Swedish? Are you business oriented, have you been involved in running one or more companies?

Incidental bugfix!
Today was a very slow day, with me working out some of the kinks in Multiplayer and starting to work

Ooh, Google Moderator!
Thanks to Deepa on IRC, I set up a Google Moderator thing where people can submit suggestions and vo

Minecraft Alpha 1.0.8
+ Cattle+ Milk (does nothing yet)+ Leather* Changed the recipe for leather armorI got inspired while

Multiplayer status update
Today, I implemented destroyed blocks dropping resources for all players and a whole bunch of infras

The victim of prejudice, by ~DVan7 →

Minecraft Alpha 1.0.9
* Fixed at least one stuttering bug(And lots more behind the scenes)Thanks to everyone who emailed m

I forgot to update you on MP status yesterday!
I finished up chatting (with a whole bunch of new legal characters, like Ö and û), and actually seei

I’ve seen some people sharing older versions of th...
Please see this page:

Seecret Friday 6! OooooOOOoo!
What’s new? Who knows? Do you? If you’ve read the comments, you probably do, people are pretty quick

Minecraft Alpha 1.0.12
* Big slimes no longer spawn in peaceful* Slimes have sounds now!* Fixed slime targeting / attacking

Minecraft Alpha 1.0.13
* New look for the Slimes* Some work on multiplayerA bit of a short blog update today, but I ran out

Minecraft Alpha 1.0.13 addendum
Oh, and I forgot about the most important update!* The client now checks if two instances of the gam

Minecraft in TF2? So very awesome! →

Minecraft got a huge mention on the TF2 blog! →
This is so cool I can’t even start to grasp it! VALVe’s made four of my favorite games ever (HL1, HL

PC Gamer interview! →

1.0.13_01 fixes a few crash bugs
Thanks for sending me your levels, please let me know if levels still crash after this update.

Minecraft Alpha review in the Daily Record →
I love the screenshot of the player cautiously standing in a doorway, looking at a burning zombie. :

Seecret Friday 7! OooooOOOoo!
* Powered Minecarts are in. They need coal, and they only push, not drag.* A few secret things! OooO

FYI: My schedule for the next month
Next week:Tuesday or Wednesday: A first, very rough, version of Survival MultiplayerThursday: I leav
August 2010
37 posts

Mr Runner!
MrScruffs posted this game on the TIGForums, and I loved it:

Status update!
Sometimes I go too long before releasing stuff, and I end up in a situation where caution, pride and

SMP server release tomorrow, here’s what’ll be in:
The biggest thing is that I ran into bugs, then ran out of time, so inventory management will still

Minecraft Alpha 1.0.14
* Lava now sets stuff on fire* Tried to make fire act better (need feedback)* Extremely silly third

Minecraft Alpha Server 0.1.0
I’ve added a new section to the downloadpage, which i

This thread on the forums makes me happy →
Yeah, there are plenty of bugs, but somehow they don’t feel like they’d be very hard to fix.When I s

And now, Germany!
In just over an hour, I’m off to attend BIGJam! I’m bringing the Minecraft source code in case I eve

Sorry about the blog spam, but you have to see this. Over and over.

An article/review on (in norwegian) → is down?
I’m currently on the road and unable to fix it, but I will try to get it online tonight. Worst case,

Rock, Paper, Shotgun Minecraft mention! →

Name verification, banning, friday update and anot...
BigJam was great! I did two interviews and a coupleof

Apparently, Bethesda likes Minecraft too! →
This totally means I’m adding Cliff Racers tomorrow! :D

Minecraft Alpha 1.0.16, Minecraft Server 0.1.1, an...
First of all, if you’re playing the downloaded game, you will have to download a new version of the

Minecraft Alpha v1.0.16_01, Minecraft Server 0.1.2
I had some spare time over, so:Client:* You can now press enter from the “join server” screen instea

Security server update 0.1.2_01
TkTech contacted me over IRC and pointed out a flaw in the authentication scheme that would let hack

Working my way through the backlog
I had 120 important emails to reply to when I got back from Berlin, so naturally I did the mature th

The Kingdom of Loathing guys talking about Minecraft, crafting and player retention →

Blah, I failed the Friday update.
There won’t be a Friday update today, because I bit off more than I could chew.I think I got started

Working on server-side inventory
There are a few stability issues with the client that worry me, and I will try to sort that out befo

Minecraft Server 0.1.3 (not the inventory yet!)
* Fixed save-off* Ops can now build in the spawn area* Added /tell command for players to whisper so

Lots of stuff going on behind the scenes
The last couple of weeks have been pretty crazy. Lots of different people have wanted to talk to me,

Seecret Friday 8! OooooOOOoo!
Both the game and the servers have been updated. Since servers don’t autoupdate yet, you need to dow

The Speed Gamers are doing a 72 hour marathon run of Prince of Persia and Assassin's Creed, raising ... →

Minecraft Alpha v1.0.17_04
* Fixed some instances of the player being stuck

How about a somewhat spontaneous MinecraftCon 2010...
I have all day on August 31 free in Bellevue, and I’ve gotten several requests from people who want

The web server is overloaded!
(Scroll down for the latest updates) is getting a lot of traffic at the moment, which i

A bit of patchwork on
I’ve edited the post below withsome updates on the performance issues on

SeaNanners on YouTube has been talking about Minecraft a lot! :D →

September 2010
28 posts

A brief summary of Bellevue, more to come next wee...
I’ve had a great time here in Bellevue so far! The MinecraftCon 2010 thing was great, especially onc

Hiring some people, getting an office, and all tha...
I will get back to posting about actual Minecraft development soon, but bear with me for some more b

Working on a Friday update, crying over paypal
I’m working on a Friday update which will include several minor but frequently requested updates.My

Seecret Friday 9! OooooOOOoo! And Minecraft Alpha...
The Seecret Friday part ended up being extremely tiny this time around, but that’s because I made su

Minecraft Alpha Server 0.2.0_01, fixing the tool b...
I just uploaded a fixed server (no client update) that tries to fix the tool use bug. It seems to wo

Three man strong!
As of today, Mojang Specifications is three men strong! Me, the other secret guy with the game idea

The going-ons of starting up a company
Turns out there’s a lot of paperwork and business deals and contracts and actual thinking involved w

How piracy works.
[Everything in this post is purely my own personal opinion, and may not reflect the opinions of ever

Penny Arcade and Rock, Paper, Shotgun
Can’t.. must.. the air.. lung.. thing… wait..*pants*Ok, so Penny Arcade put up a new comic. It’s abo

Seecret Saturday update!? Also, tutorials.
I need rest! (technically food and beer) I’ll finish the update tomorrow instead.I’ll add crouching,

Seecret Saturday 1! But I failed Biomes AGAIN!
The update is out, and I guess the biggest feature is Sneaking. Press (and hold, for now) shift to m

Server pains
Every time I do a new update now, the server gets way, WAY overloaded. Top priority now is fixing th

Free Minecraft until this gets fixed
Phew. Wow. I never should’ve tried doing an update without fixing the performance issues.I’ve disabl

The state of the server
What happened?When the main game file gets downloaded, the server does a few verification checks and

Regarding the Grayscreen issue
There was briefly a version of Minecraft up that included some gamma slider debug code I had written

Minecraft Server 0.2.1
* Fishing rods no longer crashes the serverand, in fact:* Bad commands from players no longer crashe

Support and jobs should be better now
We finally got [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected] set up in a much better wa

Minecraft review on Austrialian television!
Check it out:

Longest free weekend ever
If you’ve been refreshing the site all day, you might’ve noticed I put it back up for a while. It st is up, but still slow, and people ar...
Ok, so is back up. It’s still not perfect, and there’s still a lot of stuff to be fixe

This is what I’m doing to the server.
The server got overloaded in two ways;1) Way, waaay too much traffic and too many connections2) Way,

Sound, music and Classic
* Minecraft Classic is back* Sound and music works both in alpha and classic (you might have to turn

Recharging the batteries, bribing city states.
What a crazy week it’s been! First we got a lot more players, then the servers crashed as a result o

A pile of accounts have been resolved
When the payment system was slow, we got a lot of email about failed purchases. While looking throug Podcast #2: Minecraft Special With Markus Persson →

I’m sorry about the lack of updates.
Most my time these days is taken up by meetings and lawyers, accountants, banks, potential partners,
October 2010
18 posts

The week that was
A lot of stuff happened this week! On Monday, we tried negotiating the office we wanted, but they re

Calm before the storm?
Perhaps this is the calm before the storm, but I’ve got a nagging feeling I’ve just been neglecting is down because of what I believe is...
I’m not sure exactly what’s going on, but appears to be suffering some kind of attack,

On second thought, perhaps it’s not an attack
Now the guys hosting is down for me as well.. Perhaps there’s some kind of error in th

No, it was an attack
SYN flood, apparently. I’ve learned a lot today.One of the lessons is “hire a linux guru”.

The DDoS attack continues, I’ll just get back to c...
DDoS stands for “Distributed Denial of Service”. Denial of Service means you occupy certain resource

The final papers have been signed!
Woo! We had a meeting today where we signed the final papers for the new company! All the details ar

Weekend activities
On Saturday, we spent some 5-6 hours in a real life meeting room with almost everyone (the pixel art

Great success!
Today I signed the papers for the office in the morning! We’ll move in there January 1! YAY!When I g

Halloween update previews are up
Both PCGamer and

November 2010
21 posts

Survival Mode Multiplayer is priority #1
I just finished moving to a new server, and it’s looking fairly stable. I fixed a few

Webhallen Minecraft texture pack competition!
Webhallen is a really awesome Swedish hardware/game store that I use privately a lot. The guys runni

Minecraft Alpha 1.2.1, Minecraft Server 0.2.3
The server update is not mandatory, but you might want to update just to make sure.This is a bugfixe

I was referring to client mods that alter or inject code. Texture mods and server mods are fine.

Minecraft Alpha v1.2.2, Minecraft Server 0.2.4
A whole pile of bug fixes in this one. There’s still a lot more to do, coming over the next couple o

Status of SMP Health
The few hours I’ve been able to work today, I tried getting SMP Health as complete as possible. It w

PC Gamer Minecraft diary. Rules: You die, you delete the world. →
I’m definitely going to add hardcore mode to the game where dying will destroy the world. I’m not su

Sickness, Sprint and Speakers
I spent most of the weekend in our awesomely comfortable sofa, eating painkillers and helping the

Gah, the update is coming tomorrow because I’m sil...
I tried to do a Minecraft update today, and it turns out I didn’t bring the keystore with the privat

SMP Health Update is out
I’m expecting bugs on this one, so I’m monitoring the usual channels (irc, twitter, email) extra car

Bug update #1. More coming tomorrow
There were some pretty severe bugs with players respawning, which I’ve spent most of the day today f

Vi söker mer folk!
[If you don’t speak Swedish, just pretend this post is about something I recently bought]Hej! Vi är

Bug update #2. More coming early next week.
I struggled for a long time to figure out exactly why players and mobs would sometimes vanish when p

…and don’t call me Shirley!
LeslieNielsen, a very talented actor with initi

Bug fixing made fun
Set set up an account with Get Satisfaction, and the bug reports and feature requests have started d

Bug update #3.
The client version is now 1.2.4The server version is now 0.2.6 (mandatory update, there’s been proto
December 2010
22 posts

Bug update #5, and we need videos
Client version 1.2.6Server version 0.2.8 (not mandatory)* Added /kill command. Does 1000 points dama

Welcome back, Tumblr!
I missed you! While you were offline, I came up with a funny pun:Watch it! You don’t want to tumblr

Server-side inventory and websites
(A lot of my blog posts have “and” in the title!)I’ve been working on server-side inventory, but pro

Paul Millen is not enjoying our support →
Support is not our strongest side. Having grown rather quickly from a one-man operation, we obviousl

Minecraft Beta: December 20, 2010
The next epoch is upon us! The skies are trembling, pigs are growing wings, and the nether is turnin

One week left on the Webhallen compo, and the firs...
The Webhallen competition where you can win a painting by Kristoff

Seriously, wow. Haha :D[edit]Looking into a way to link the blog posts to the forum where you can co

Looong Monday
It’s 11:35 pm and I got home not long ago. Today was spent mostly with working on server-side invent

Man down! And another man down!
It’s the week before beta. Two people are home, struck down by some mysterious illness. I should pro

Websites and gift codes!
It’s a bit rough around the edges, but the new version of is up! It will receive even

Minecraft Beta
I just updated the client and the server to Minecraft Beta 1.0* Working server-side inventory!Finall

Minor patch 1.0_01. More bugfixes tomorrow.
Client 1.0_01 is up, fixing a double chest issue and a rare crash on load level bug.There’s a seriou

Updated Client and Server to Beta 1.1
The server update isn’t mandatory, but it’s HIGHLY recommended* Rewrote Leaf Decay for the seventeen

Updated Client and Server to Beta 1.1_01
1.1 contained an additional bug fix I forgot about:* Fixed “fancy” characters not working in the gam

Some thoughts about release schedule during beta
Here’s an idea!* All commit comments are public to everyone. Possibly even tweeted out* Everyone who

What I played in 2010
I went through thislist and picked out al

Christmas Day
If you purchased the game recently through PayPal and didn’t get it, do not worry. Because of Murphy

Minecraft – PC Gamer UK’s Game Of The Year
As a teenager, I read PC Gamer compulsively. Not only did they give me access to game demos before t
January 2011
12 posts

2011, here we go!
So it’s the first working day of the year, and we’ve got two more people in the office now.

Strategy meeting day results
Yesterday was Strategy Meeting Day™ at Mojang. During the morning, we broke up into two groups and t

Oh, and this is awesome. →

Exclamation mark.
Minecraft just passed one million sales.

Minecraft Beta 1.2
Minecraft Beta 1.2 is live. All servers need to be updated to 1.2.New features:* Note blocks (right

Minecraft Beta 1.2_01 (less bugs, more framerates)
This update affects both the client and the server, but the server update isn’t mandatory. I highly

The web server is struggling, we’re migrating
Once again, is more popular than the poor old server can keep up with, so we’re upgrad

Friday night, got home, fell asleep on the sofa.Saturday, went to Jakob’s place, fell asleep on thes

Notch has left the building
I’m leaving on a two week vacation tonight, to celebrate my mother turning 60. While I will be bring
February 2011
9 posts

Notch is still out of the building
I’m half-way through a very nice vacation. There’s internet access in the lobby, so here I am, check

Our office is cold during the winter
Seriously. The radiators are tiny, and the rooms are huge. I think the landlord turns down the heat

2 Player Productions wants to make a documentary about us, kickstarting it →

Server downtime, and a new Launcher is suffering some difficulties at the moment, with the database getting overloaded. We

Minecraft Beta 1.3
* Implemented a new lighting engine with the help of MrMessiahs (can be turned off)* Changed the opt

I’m sorry about the downtime
I don’t know what happened exactly, as I’m currently on a fight and seated far away from the other g
March 2011
11 posts

Halfway through GDC, here’s what we’ve done
We stepped on the plane to New York, and the Minecraft server died. While flying from New York to Sa

Ah, I forgot!
We also announced our new game today! There’s not much info yet, but we’ll be getting an alpha versi

Wow. We won five awards.In the IGF, we won the Audience Award and the Grand Prize.In the GDCA, we wo

Minecraft - Volume Alpha by C418
C418 makes music for Minecraft. He has released an OST of sorts on bandcamp. All the music from Mine

Terrain generation, Part 1
I’ve been promising to write a technical post on Minecraft for a while, but never really got around

Warning: Some malicious client mods are stealing p...
When you install a mod, the mods gets full access to your computer, and can do ANYTHING to it.Make s

I found my old Turbo Pascal projects! :D :D Screenshots! →

The state of Minecraft
There are manly men with powertools in our office, punching floors and walls in an attempt to make t

Full steam ahead, captain!
Someone pointed out to me that most of my blog updates recently were about how I had no time to deve

Soo exciting, please vote for us!

The weirdest night of my life!
I feel like James Bond.Or, rather, I feel like a geeky kid who just finished playing James Bond for
April 2011
9 posts

The 1.4 update and the April Fools joke
Out plans was to release 1.4 this week, and we aimed fairly high. The stats and achievements that ar

We had a board meeting today, which felt relatively grown up and mature. We had it at a nice asian r

1.5 next week!
We were aiming at releasing 1.5 this week, but no. There’s been significant feature creep (we’ve got...

Minecraft Beta 1.5, and some thoughts on this blog
(You will need to updateyour servers as well)* Weathe

Portal 2 Review
I got Portal 2 last night. Seven hours later I beat it. This review might contain some minor spoiler

Information dump again!
Hi! It’s Monday, and we’ve got the day off for some reason. (Something about Easter) Me and ez took

The plan for mods
After some internal discussion and general anxiety, we’ve arrived at aplan for supporting mods. It’s

The cost of the mod api
Because of overwhelming feedback, the cost of the mod api access will be 0 dollars.Our intention was

May 2011
10 posts

Fixing bugs, enabling nether.
1.6 officially has a release date of “not soon”. The main features will be the maps, bug fixes, and

MinecraftCon 2011 in Vegas?
We’re thinking about how to celebrate reaching the release on 2011/11/11. There’s also a significant

Since polls are fun, here’s another one!
I personally want MinecraftCon 2011 to be in Vegas because I freaking love that place, but there’s b

The changelist for 1.6
Minecraft Beta 1.6 is getting release later this week.Here’s the changelist so far:1.6:+ Added Nethe

Minecraft Beta 1.6
This update requires both a client and a server update.Changelist:1.6:New features:+ Added Nether su

Minecraft Beta 1.6.3
THREE bug update releases today!I highly recommend you update both your servers and your clients.1.6

Minecraft Beta 1.6.4
* Fixed 1.6.3 using more CPU despite it claiming to use less* Totally professional

Minecraft Beta 1.6.5
There are some annoying bed bugs in multiplayer in this version, I’ll fix those next week.1.6.5:* Tw

What the framerate limiter does
The game now times every frame being rendered, and allocates 1000000000/ nanoseconds per frame. If i

Minecraft Beta 1.6.6
Unless there are any emergency things to fix, I won’t do any more updates before 1.7. Going to E3 on
June 2011
5 posts

Post E3 information dump!
Hi! E3 is over, and we’re flying back to Sweden in a few hours. I have loads of information and news

Duke Nukem Forever review
I got Duke Nukem Forever a while ago. I’ve been playing it on and off ever since. This review might

Back in the office, and some words on 1.7 and 1.8!
After a few weeks out of the office (E3, then Italy, then F.3.A.R this weekend (great game!)), I’m f

Trickling information about the Adventure Update
Since 1.8 is still a significant time away, we’re going to have to stop being as secretive about it

Minecraft Beta 1.7
1.7:+ Added pistons+ Fire or redstone is now required to trigger TNT+ Fences can be stacked+Added sh
July 2011
8 posts

Minecraft just passed 10 million registered users.

Bill S.978
I’ve received a few emails about Bill S.978, a new bill proposed in the USA, which would make it ill

Minecraft Beta 1.7.3
Bug fixes, bug fixes and bug fixes.- Corrected a block duplication bug when using pistons- Corrected

Sharing an interesting email
I briefly talked to the crazy engineers over at Bat Country Entertainment about mods that alter the

C418 just tweeted about a reddit thread about the news about him releasing a new album! →

The psychology of the reticle and the feeling of c...
This blog post contains extensive spoilers about a new mob in the adventure update. Don’t click “rea

August 2011
12 posts

It’s a scam!
Perhaps you’ve seen the videos about some groundbreaking “unlimited detail” rendering technology? If

“But Notch, it’s NOT a scam!”
I’ve been getting a bunch of feedback that my last blog post is wrong for various reasons, and I’d j

Bethesda are suing us, here’s the full story!
A lot of people want more details about what is going on, so here is everything I know:First of all,

Hey, Bethesda! Let’s settle this!
I am back, and I am excited.Marriage has been wonderful so far, and nobody sabotaged my computer whi

I thought of something
What with all these fancy new web services like imgur and twitter and tumblr and all that, I should

Dear diary,
We’ve been in Seattle for three days now. The first day was just arriving and eating lunch before cr

Somehow, we’re putting together a party
After a looong day at the booth, we had a dinner with Jinx. I had a huge steak and something called

Why no Steam, Notch?
At PAX, I got asked why we’re not on Steam with Minecraft, and I had to answer the question straight

Then there’s The Prank
One early summer morning, Carl was on vacation and I was checking my email. Lydia, who was organizin
September 2011
8 posts

You know what’s fun?
Game development is fun. There’s programming, design, testing and just plain good old silliness. Her

We’ve got a consultant!
We’re quite bad at keeping track of who does what when because of whom, so we got a consultant to he

Update on the “Scrolls” lawsuit, and a list of gam...
I’ve received some questions about what the status of the Bethesda lawsuit thing is. I don’t have mu

Oh yeah, we released 1.8!
We released Minecraft Beta 1.8! It’s the first half of the Adventure Update, with the remainder comi

The solutions to a few unsolved problems
Is NP in P?No.Why is there so much water on earth?Byproduct of early life.Do magnetic monopoles exis

O(1) NP solving using the MQSC
I’ve invented a computer that solves NP problems in constant time. I call it the Mass Quantum Suicid

Significantly increasing the power of the MQSC
1) Before doing anything, pick a totally random number between 0 and, say, 5→5→5→5→5. If the number

The eventual release, and the legal documents
Me and Jens have only two more major features we want to implement before the release in November. T
October 2011
10 posts

Real games for nerdy gamers
There are many games like this (captive, hired guns, ishar, might and magic, wizardry, most of the g

A short response
I just saw this:

Pre releases and Adventure Updates
The adventure update is going great! We’re adding features and cramming in content, and then started

Happy birthday, us!
One year ago, we started Mojang. Back then, Minecraft had sold between half a million and one millio

Battlefield 3 is looking amazing.
Ok, so I missed out on the Beta, but everything I’ve seen looks amazingly fun. Like ridiculously so.

I hate “free to play”.
Ok, that headline it a bit overly inflammatory. While I am sceptical of the free to play trend, what

Important news regarding chickens and eggs
Ok, so.. For a long time, I’ve claimed that obviously the egg came before the chicken, as the first

MineCon is sold out!
Yep. It’s sold out. Wow. :D
November 2011
11 posts

Next week is MineCon week. That means we’ll release the full version of Minecraft (which will be cal

Inspiration, motivation, stress, and abandonment
A normal project for me goes through three stages. I will summarize and review them because I’m wait

I visited my doctor last week, and he told me I had to stop masturbating. I asked him why, surely it

(First of all, sorry about the masturbation joke in my last post. It’s currently my favorite joke. :

Day 1 - The Arrival
The phone alarm rang at half past seven in the morning. Two hours later we were at Arlanda Airport a

Day 2 - The Setup
I woke up at 3 am after getting about three and a half hours of sleep. I lingered in bed for three h

Day 3 - The Launch
After some seven hours of sleep (nice), we went to the wrong room for breakfast. Confusion started s

Day 4 - The End
I am incredibly tired right now, so this might be a bit short. ;)Breakfast was at 8 am, being filmed

Day 4.5 - The Party
After some 45 minutes of sleep and a huge plate of nachos (the Nacho Mama at the Mandalay Bay is ver

Kelvin is awesome. Celsius and Fahrenheit are sill...
Some time many years ago, we decided to measure something that has a zero value on a scale where zer

December 2011
7 posts

Och med dom orden så passar jag micken.
As of yesterday, Jens Bergensten is the new lead developer on Minecraft. He will have the final say

We’re hiring. You should work here.
We’re expanding!Exciting new projects, a very successful first year, and a much bigger new office me

Santa vs Cthulhu until 7 am
I’ve been avoiding doing any kind of work recently in an attempt to reset my creative batteries. I’v

Ludum Dare is a wonderful thing
I’ve talked about it before, and I’ll talk about it again. Ludum Dare is an amazing thing. It’s basi

Mojang Has Never Supported SOPA
Looks to Internet Community & Fellow Tech Leaders to Destroy Legislation We All HateSTOCKHOLM, Swede

Top ten movies of 2011!
No, just kidding. Instead, I will ramble about working in teams.Some people have asked me why we don
January 2012
4 posts


Coding skill and the decline of stagnation
I am a decent programmer. I know a decent amount of computer science theory, I can type correct code

Guide to clothes, by hole count
1 hole: Sock2 holes: Leggings3 holes: Underwear4 holes: Shirt(god, this blog is dying, isn’t it?)

A poll on letting us snoop
We have no idea how you’re playing the Minecraft.Right now, the only way we can figure out roughly w
February 2012
1 post

So in an interview, Double Fine lead Tim Schafer mentioned that they wanted to make Psychonauts 2 ha
March 2012
1 post

TITLE: dcpu specs, classified, not final TO: redacted DATE: 20120328VERSION: 416 bit architecture0x1
July 2012
3 posts

On Patents
Let’s say you’re Neo, and you were the first person ever to come up with the idea of a novel. It’s l

Even experts get it wrong
This post is a reply to this:

Gender in Minecraft
[Keep in mind I am no longer the lead developer on Minecraft, Jens is. This postis about what I thou
October 2012
1 post

John Callaham: Don’t be a goat murderer
(I changed the title of this post to “goat murderer” to offend less)An open letter to John Callaham:
December 2012
1 post

I love you, dad
One of my fondest childhood memories is me sitting on a sled, being dragged along a thinly snow cove
August 2013
1 post

So that’s what I’m going to do.
Back before anyone knew who I was, I used to wanted to make huge games. Games where you can do anyth